Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Today as we traveled from Michigan into Canada

across the twin cities of Salt Ste. Marie….

on the 300 miles of this journey…we learned a little more history….

The name Canada most likely came from the Huron-Iroquois word Kanata 

meaning village or settlement…

A frenchmen used it to name the entire country 

before the Hurons could tell him exactly what it meant.

We are currently near Lake Ontario which also got it’s name from the Iroquois.

The legend says from an Iroquois chief’s daughter

who when she saw the lake said kandario…which means sparkling water.

We have been on Lake Superior…named Gitchi-Gami by the Ojibwe

this means Big Sea Water…and she is a beautiful lake

In Longfellow’s poem Hiawatha…he called it Gitchi-Gumi by mistake.

We have felt the waters of Lake Michigan…a little boat trip we did take…. 

the Anishinabe called it mishigami …which simply means…big lake

We have driven my Lake Huron another beautiful place to be.

The Wyandot called it karegnondi which roughly translated means

freshwater sea


And we spend the next 2 days on Nipissing Lake…meaning little water

A name the Ojibwe chose to keep

because the crystal clear waters of this lake are not so very deep

It seems all around us on this trip…we’ve seen and tried to understand

how we travel over the footprints or on the shoulders

of those who first walked this land.

We have gained a new appreciation…of all they saw

the mountains, the rivers, the lakes…the plains and the buffalo too

of how they lived…of their philosophy…and of all they have gone through,

We offer them our thanks 

we only wish we could go back in time…and change our history….

and we wonder if things had played out differently….

what kind of  beauty in our world the would see.

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