Thursday, July 11, 2024



 Today after we left Fort Macleod…once the sun was burning bright

we visited Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump…a famous World Heritage Site.

By the way we happened to show up there on a Wednesday totally by chance

and Wednesday is the only day of the week they celebrate the tribal dance.

We watched men and women, boys and girls in the regalia of different tribes…

and were totally in awe…we must confess… 

as they danced to dances with names like Chicken, Fancy, Traditional

and the beautiful Jingle Dress.

They were mesmerizing, powerful and graceful as they moved across the floor

and when they stopped we clapped and clapped…hoping they’d dance more.

One of the highlights of the morning was a treat for us and came as a surprise

when one man performed the hoop dance (with 10 hoops) right before our eyes.

We loved being immersed in the traditions and the stories…of a past we barely know 

and felt blessed to be watching the dancing from out seats in the front row.

Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump…I can’t say enough good things about this

And you’re ever near Fort Macleod, Alberta Canada…on a Wednesday

It’s something you don’t want to miss.

Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump…for the moment let’s put its name aside…

because today was all about the dancing…the stories…the regalia…

How a people held on to their traditions and their pride.

But tune in to tomorrow’s poem…(you can wait don’t be a grump!)

If you want to find the reason it was named Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump.

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