Sunday, July 21, 2024



We began the morning in Bark River Michigan 

watching the orange sun calm the waters of the lake

and listening as the sun and waves nudged the birds awake.

The geese began to sing…then a host of other birds added their voices to the tune…

and for the first time on this trip…we heard the elusive loon.

Next we drove along Lake Michigan…stop even now and then to hear her roar…

ending up in St. Ignace…on Lake Huron’s shore. 

Along the way we saw many lighthouses 

not only engineering marvels…but truly beautiful sights…

still in use to help guide ships through the dangers of the night.

It seemed everywhere we looked we saw lakes, and streams and rivers

If there was a body of water was out there…it was easy for us to spot her…

Proving what they say is true…

wherever you’re in Michigan…you’re never more than 6 miles away from water.

This leg of our journey took us across Michigan’s upper peninsula…

a quite beautiful place to be….

We found ourselves, like the natives, calling it the U. P.


Of course we are not natives…that is something we can’t claim…

but driving across this part of Michigan…we felt like Yoopers just the same


For instance we drank roadies in our car…ate vegetable pasties for dinner

and that’s not all…

We’re losing our Florida accent…saying Yous instead of y’all.

Yous see it’s not only infected how we talk…

but it’s found it’s way into this poem!

We only hope yous will be understanding 

when these two would-be Yoopers find their way back home.

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