Tuesday, July 9, 2024



When we awoke at 4:30 this morning to a cool 52 degrees.

We needed to get an early start for the drive to Lake Louise.

If you listen you can hear the echoes of the indigenous people

because still floating on the breeze are their dreams, their hopes, their wishes…

and you can hear their voices echoing the name they gave this water…

’Ho-run-num-nay’…which means Lake of the little fishes.

I’ve no doubt those little fishes were important to their survival

their existence…to their life…

So iI find it sad the Governor General of Canada named this lake Louise 

after Queen Victoria’s 4th daughter…who also happened to be his wife.

Still…we knew form everything we’ve read…and from what our friends have told us too

we had to visit Lake Louise…to experience her hues of green and blue.

And it was everything we heard it would be…from all those who came before.

From the minute we turned our attention to the lake…it was everything…and more.

We arrived in time to see the sun rise…a truly magical scene..

As we watched the sun slowly paint her mountains 

while turning her lake from blue to green.

You see…the glacier on the mountain crushes rock into a powdery flour

some of it is deposited on the bottom…some is still floating in between

and as those particles are absorbed by the sun it changes the lake from blue to green.

As you watch this bit of nature’s magic…you’re in for a surprise… 

because this transformation is taking place right before your eyes!.

I wish they’d kept the name Lake of The Little Fishes

I think it has more meaning…more symbolism…more symmetry…

but knowing this Lake of the little fishes…

by any other name…

It is still a beautiful sight to see

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