Friday, May 17, 2024



When she was a very young girl…she imagines from the moment she was born

with her parents help she believed in all kinds things…like mermaids and unicorns.

She believed lightning bugs were born in a campfires…

that every Cinderella would find her prince and they would wed.

She believed rubbing a lamp could produce a genie

and there were houses made from gingerbread.

She believed she could ride on the back of a dragon…

that there were castles in the sky

She believed if she spread her arms out far enough

one day she’d learn to fly.

She believed in the power of Mother Nature and the patience of Father Time

She believed if she grew her hair long enough

it would be easy for someone to climb. 

Even now she loves to sit back and blissfully reminisce…

about believing in Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and the magic of a kiss.

how she use to play outside for hours then come in hungry with scraped knees

believing she could see the entire world from the top of the tallest trees.

She taught these lessons to her daughter who came to her one day and asked,

“Momma, can you tell me please… 

Will there ever come a time I stop believing in fairy tales and fantasies”

“Stop believing in fairy tales!” Her mother said. 

“and in the messages they’e sending?”

“Stop believing in the wonders of these stories…

in the beauty of happy endings?”

“Ever get to the point in our lives 

where our imagination doesn’t cause a thrill!

And as her daughter climbed onto her back 

and spread her wings she said,

“If we’re lucky…neither of us ever will.”

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