Sunday, May 5, 2024



 On the beach one morning Olivia let go of her mother’s hand

to run ahead where she had spotted some feathers in the sand.

“Olivia!” Her mom said when she caught up to her, “can you hear the seagulls sing?

What you have found…they are not feathers…they are angel wings.”

“Angel wings!” Olivia cried…I found angel wings here by the sea!

Would it be okay Mommy…if I took them home with me?”

“The moment you were born.” Her mom said. “A baby angel was born too.

And from her cloud in heaven she not only watches over…but she grows old with you.”

“And each time you grow a little bigger…and shed some of your childhood things

your angel up in heaven gets a little bigger too…and sheds a pair of wings.”

“Wings that eventually float away…and as the birds of heaven sing

find their way to another angel…in need of angel wings.”

“This is the way angel wings work.” She said. “Because heaven has always been aware

angel wings work best…when angel wings are shared.”

“Picking up those angel wings.” She continued, “I think would be wrong…

because I think those angel wings are waiting for their angel to come along.”

“Lets walk a little farther down the beach…and when we turn around…

we’ll come back to this very spot to see if these wings are still upon the ground.”

As they walked on down the beach Olivia paused then said, 

“Mommy, I can hear the seagulls sing. 

Do you think maybe another angel could have found those wings?”

And sure enough when they returned Olivia once again let go of her mother’s hand

to touch where those angel wings…now gone, left a small impression in the sand.”

So if you ever see a set of angel wings on the ground 

anywhere…from the mountains to the sea

Please, do not disturb them…please, just let them be…

But listen and listen carefully…for the birds nearby to sing…

and if you’re lucky you just might see the moment…and angel gets its wings.

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