Wednesday, May 8, 2024



One of the joys of walking in the darkness…before the early light of day

is getting to walk among the shadows as the come out to play.

When the moon is bright she sheds her light and our whole world is enhanced

Then, like a conductor in the sky, she invites her shadows out to dance.

And even when the luminous moon is gone…

the street lights make it easy for one to spot them…

those shadows that come out to practice the dance the moon has taught them.

I particularly love, as I approach a shadow, when the wind begins to blow…by chance

and there in the middle of the street…I’m invited to the dance. 

The shadows don’t seem to mind my lack of rhythm or my two left feet

as they always find a way

to encourage and include me into their beautiful ballet.

Over the years the shadows have taught me a lesson they love advancing:

How it’s less abut the moves we’re making

and more about the feeling we get while dancing.

I do not dance with them for too long…

before I bow…then thank them for giving me this chance

for I know there will be more shadows on my walk who’ll be asking me to dance.

Because on my morning walks over they yearsI have also found this fact to be true:

Dancing…and sharing their dance is something shadows love to do.

So…if you’re out walking and happen to see a shadow dancing

and that shadow offers you a chance…

Do yourself a favor…

become a shadow dancer…

and join them in the dance.

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