Tuesday, May 28, 2024



All my life I’ve been blessed to be in the unique position of watching children play.

From when I was a recreation aide in high school, to being a parent

then a teacher and now, in the bookstore, old and grey.

When children play together…it matters not what entertainment they might choose

whether it be their imagination or a particular sport or game…

What I’ve observed throughout the years is how most children play the same.

They laugh, they share, they jump, they run…without a care for the colors of each face

They sing, they dance, they hold hands with one another…

unaware or unaffected of politics, religion or race.


Within this same timeframe…high school, parenthood, being teacher

and now, in the bookstore, old and grey

I’ve watched how some of those same children, now adults, 

have forgotten how they use to play.

Forgotten how to laugh and share…and jump and run

without a care for the colors of each face…

Forgotten how to sing and dance and hold hands with one another

unaware or unaffected of politics, religion or race.

And as I watch adults across the world 

forgetting or ignoring their childhood lessons more and more every day

I pray for the day they will remember…the way they use to play.

I pray these adults will look out on the world…a world they helped to create

a world filled with suffering, havoc and woe

then look in the mirror and ask themselves…where did that child go?

And decide then and there the best way to fix a world that is so far out of whack…

would be start with the person they’re looking at…

and bring the child back.

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