Thursday, May 23, 2024



On a recent morning walk when I’d traveled about halfway from my house

on the curb of the street in front of me…I encountered a cat and mouse.

The cat wasn’t chasing the mouse…in fact both seemed quite serene. 

this was unlike any cat and mouse…I had ever seen.

Excuse me Mrs. Cat and Mouse,” I said. 

“There’s something I’d like to know?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be mortal enemies…you know like forever foes?”

Both cat and mouse shrugged their shoulders then said simultaneously

“Why would you ask that?”

“Because,” I said pointing at them, 

“you were born a mouse…and you were born a cat?”

“Weren’t you brought up to hate each other from the moment of your births?

Don’t you wish the other one of you was no longer on this Earth?”

“Now wouldn’t that be a horrible way to live?” The cat said

as she leaned over and gave the mouse a kiss.

“Yes!” The mouse said petting the cat.

“Think of all the things we’d miss.”

But if you’re not taught to hate each other,” I asked, “then how do you choose to live?”

“You silly human.” The cat said as the mouse laughed.

“We’ve been taught to share…to love…to give.”

I thanked them for their time, shook their little paws 

and as I walked away I thought…Imagine that!

finding this much wisdom on the street from a random mouse and cat.

They were still upon my mind when I finally reached my house…

I was thinking how we humans could change the world

if we stopped playing cat and mouse.

If we stopped chasing one another, stopped fighting, 

and show. more love and acceptance to everyone we meet…

If we found a way to act less like humans 

and more like that cat and mouse I met out on the street.

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