Monday, October 14, 2024


It’s funny what went through my mind…the joy….the wonder….the pride

when I looked into the eyes of my grandson,

as he looked into the eyes of his bride.

As I watched this wonderful young man…I found it difficult to understand…. 

where all the time has gone since I could pick him up…

and carry him with one hand?

Since I took him for walks in his stroller….

and pointed out all the things there were to see.

When did this little boy I use to cradle…

become taller and wiser than me?

I still see that same smile…that same eagerness…

that same innocence and joy

as I saw in him every time I picked him up when he was a little boy.

But gone are the days I could pick him up…

or tuck him into bed snug as a bug in a rug

Those times I would carry him around the house when he visited

have been replaced with a ‘Hi PopPop” and a hug.

Oh I am not complaining…everything is great…it’s wonderful…it’s good. 

Life has moved on as it is meant to move on…as it always should.

But as I stood there watching Damien marry the love of his life….

when I heard the wedding bell chime….

I thought back and wondered how great it would be

If I could pick him up with one hand

and carry him…

one more time.


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