Friday, October 4, 2024



The function of our family tree is to keep us safe and cool and warm…

to offer us a comfortable place to rest and to give us shelter from the storm.

But when I gaze out on our world…it’s bittersweet what I see…

I see one beautiful planet Earth inhabited by one dysfunctional family.

Our dysfunction is how we’ve forgotten we are all part of the same family tree

and how we’ve come to treat each other not as family…but as an enemy.

Our dysfunction is when we hate and fight and kill each other…how we fail to see

we are severing leaves and limbs and branches of our one and only family tree.

And every time we cut off another limb…some of our strength and stability fades.

and our whole tree becomes a little weaker, stops bearing fruit, and loses some of it’s shade.


And as our hate for one another…like a fungus on our tree forms….

we are unable to offer anyone shelter from the storm.

But hate is just a fungus..which needs more hate to endure….

and luckily, like with any fungus, there happens to be a cure.

If we spread love onto every leaf, every branch and every limb…

it love will find it’s way into our roots….

our tree will grow new limbs, new branches…new leaves

and begin to bear new fruit.

For a tree that’s filled with love is a comfortable place to rest…

will keep us cool and safe and warm….

and will smile as it offers every member of our family…shelter from the storm.

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