Saturday, October 5, 2024



The next time a natural disaster strikes…whether it be a tsunami or

hurricane from the oceans, a flood from the rivers…or a tornado from the skies 

notice how, all over the world, you see the same sadness…

the same sorrow, the same tears in everybody’s eyes.

And when we kill each other because of our differences…

our different countries, different lifestyles, the different Gods in whom we believe…

at the funeral of those we’ve killed…or who’ve killed us…

notice….how similar we all grieve.


When a bomb or a bullet kills a baby…whether in Palestine or Tel-Aviv

notice, as you watch the mothers at the funerals,

how similar they all grieve.

All the tears we cry are the same…

whether it’s a natural disaster…or an unnatural disaster we create…

no matter our religion, our politics…if we are gay…or we are straight.

Grieving is universal…it’s something we all share…

in every corner of the world…both near and far….

I only wish….

before the funerals…

we’d realize

how similar we are.

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