Friday, May 13, 2022


 As we’re about to take a road trip…just the two of us…on our own… 

Our destination, among other places, out west…to Yellowstone.

As I sit here, after all the planing, with our trip about to begin

I can’t help thinking about my life and how lucky I have been.

Lucky, as the ancient Greeks were, to be constantly inspired….

by the four elements they thought made up the world, earth, wind, water and fire.

I have walked upon the Earth and have come to understand…

the importance of her hills, her mountains, her meadows and her sands.

I have listened to the wind whisper to the trees and have often been entranced…

by her invisible serenades and the way she makes the flowers dance.

I have felt the healing powers of the water…how it also entertains….

In her oceans, in her rivers…in her lakes and in her rain.

I have sat around many a campfire…toasting marshmallows…playing games…

or quietly listening to the fire breathe…while watching the rainbow in its flames.

And I would add one more element…that makes all the others elements transcend…

that would be to experience them amidst the love of family and friends.

So as we head out on this road trip…back to nature…all that we require….

is that love to help us rediscover…the earth, wind, water and fire.

We know love and the 4 elements can provide the answers…as only love and nature can…as to how every woman, every man can better treat their fellow woman..fellow man.

Hopefully we’ll discover the answers…just the two of us…on our own…

as with love we experience the 4 elements…

in our travels across the country…

out west to Yellowstone.

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