Saturday, May 14, 2022


 I’ve made my share of mistakes while traveling that left us scratching our heads…

like the time I booked us a room thinking it was Boston…

but it was Newport, Rhode Island instead.

And like the time I was taking Deborah to a carousel in Chattanooga…I thought that would be sweet…but got a little befuddled and ended up on the wrong street.

I’ve confused dates, turned left instead of right…and mixed up more than one address…

is it any wonder I have a shrine in my house to the three men who invented GPS!

With GPS I no longer have to think…I never worry when or if we will arrive….

all I have to do is listen to her directions (mine has an English accent) step on the gas…and drive.

And though she is reliable (I know our friendship she’ll never forsake)

she’s been known in our time together…to make a few mistakes.

Take the other day for instance…it’a a memory  I hope to save….

when our GPS was directing us to our cottage at Mammoth Cave.

We passed a sign that said Mammoth Cave this way…but our GPS disagreed…

and being I was friends with her…I was loathe to intercede.

Later we passed another Mammoth Cave sign with an arrow at an intersection…

which our GPS also ignored…taking us in another direction.

In spite of her brash stubbornness we eventually made it to Mammoth Cave….

and because she is our GPS…her misdirections we forgave…

Why were we so quick to forgive her and why that 40 extra miles did we dismiss…

because, luckily, some mistakes lead to adventures we would have otherwise missed.

Why on a road we should have never taken…were we so eager to forgiver her?

because we found a beautiful spot to stop for lunch…in a little park down by a river.

It reminded me of the wonderful time we had in Newport…another place we weren’t supposed to be…

And how while looking for that carousel in Chattanooga we ended up at the Moon Pie factory.

As I’m sitting in our cottage writing this…as more memories we’re stockpiling….

like Newport…moon pies and unexpected picnics…I imagine our GPS is smiling

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