Monday, May 16, 2022


 The other day I mentioned my penchant for mistakes I’ve made while traveling…

I showed examples of their shapes and sizes….

but I was quick to add how many of my mistakes have led to some wonderful surprises.

In case you were wondering if all my mistakes have to do with driving….

the mistake poem from the other day…I am no reviving.

This mistake had nothing to do with driving…but it does have to do with me…

It involves a rainy morning…umbrellas…a rainbow…and a key.

While still at Mammoth Cave…(our time there was truly a wonder)

early on the morning of the day we were to leave…we were awakened by the thunder.

The rain was coming down in buckets…everywhere I looked…near and far…

The rain was beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but our umbrellas were in the car.

This would not pose too much of a problem…on most any other day…

but because our cottage was a bit remote…our car was a five minute walk away.

“Not to worry.” I said to Deborah. “Stay warm and dry in bed.”

Then off I went to retrieve our umbrellas…with a towel wrapped around my head.

It was cold and wet and I learned a towel in the rain does not keep your head dry

but when I finally got to the umbrellas…I noticed a full rainbow in the sky.

I quickly ran to get Deborah knowing she wouldn’t want to miss…

now that we each had umbrellas…a chance to see a rainbow as beautiful as this.

As we hurried out and I closed the door…a sinking feeling came over me…

the door had locked behind us…and, you guessed it, inside I could see the key.

But that was a problem for the future…no time to make a fuss…

for up ahead, a five minute walk away, there was a rainbow for us.

On our way back to the rainbow…memories that will remain…

we saw a baby turtle on our path…and some robins playing in the rain.

As we waited patiently for the ranger…to bring us the spare key…

we were amazed at all the sounds there were to hear…

and all the sights there were to see.

The rain finally let up…but its remnants filled the streets, the grass…the trees…

all these things we would have missed…if I hadn’t forgot our key.

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