Saturday, January 13, 2018


We saw them about to cross in front of us, 
an older couple arm in arm…
Standing there patiently…waiting
they exuded grace and charm.

There was something about this couple…
A solemnity we couldn’t deny…
She…resplendent in a polka dot dress…
He…a suit and tie.

We stopped the car to let them cross…
Their steps were measured…their gait slow
but as they held on to one other
their faces seemed to glow.

As I watched them support each other
As they slowly made their way
I found myself wondering, not about this moment,
but back their wedding day.

Back to a time when they were younger
and much lighter on their feet
before the ravages of age
made it hard to cross a street.

I thought how supporting and loving each other
was part of their wedding vows…
and how after so many years together
they still support each other now.

“Do you think that will be us one day?” Deborah asked
Helping each other…walking so slow…
I smiled, 
grabbed her hand, 
and gave it a kiss…

I certainly hope so….

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I did grow old together. We were married for 55 years. I wanted to grow much older with him.
    Important: we always held hands
