Wednesday, January 3, 2018


They fell in love as children…
people said it wouldn’t last
“You are mistaking love for friendship .” they said…
“and in time…this ‘love’ will pass.”

They stayed in love through all their schooling…
people said it wouldn’t last
“You’re mistaking real love for puppy love.” they said…
“and puppy love won’t last.”

They married, had a family and 
people stopped saying it wouldn’t last
Still, they knew to cherish every moment together 
they knew the years would flow by fast.

Their children all are grown, 
many grandchildren they’ve amassed
and they smile every time they kiss…remembering

when people said it wouldn't last.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, as Nat King Cole sang...they say we’re too young.
    Well it lasted 55 years. Then ALS took him 4 years ago.
