Sunday, June 16, 2024

one turkey


The final count is in…as I sit down to write these words

In 2 weeks at our cabin…we’ve heard 52 different birds!


Of these 52 different kinds of birds…we’ve only seen a few

Because most of them have just sung to us while keeping out of view.

One turkey, however, paid us a visit…he sat down among the wildflowers

And while we were working around the cabin…he stayed a couple hours.

Every now and then he’d look at us…give us that turkey stare

but he never seemed to be bothered that we were even there.

I asked him as he sat there…in the middle of the day

“Why when he saw us here…didn’t he run away?

He looked quizzically at me…as if my question made no sense

then chuckled as he said, “I’m surprised by your arrogance." 

“I’ve always found some peace and comfort when visiting this space.

Besides…my ancestors walked this land long before your ancestors built this place.” 

“The fact you think I should run away…well I find that thinking limiting…

because this has always been our land…and you’re the one who’s visiting.”

“And I’m not worried about you two…oftentimes I’ve heard you repeat…

that you are vegetarians…so I know you don’t eat meat.”

“So neither of us need to be afraid”, he said, “because we both know this is true.

I know you will not eat me…and you know I won’t eat you.”

‘Of course your right.” I smiled. “I apologize for my ego and my vanity

and I thank you for your kindness and your hospitality.”

And so we spent a quiet afternoon together…with this turkey we befriended….

Sharing the land and conversation with one another…

the way, I imagine, our creators had intended.

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