Wednesday, June 5, 2024



 I have this lucky shirt…I feel the luck in this shirt is strong…

I’ve worn it many times and every time I wear it…luck has come along.

I wore it on the first leg of our trip to North Carolina.

It’s like being enveloped by and old friend….

And since it’s luck worked that first day… the next morning…I put it on again.

In my defense our car was air conditioned…I didn’t sweat

and for 10 hours I felt the luck through my shirt flow…

So it was an easy decision the next morning…to wear that shirt two days in a row.

(In case you’re wondering if I am a complete slob let me clear the air….

Yes, I wore the same shorts and shirt…but I changed my underwear!)

All this reminded me of a time years ago In the mountains of NC

when Damien and Taylor (our two eldest grandchildren) spent two weeks with Deborah and me.

We didn’t notice this until we looked at the photos later

something that, to this day, still disconcerts…

but in every photo Damien and Taylor were wearing the same shirt!

They brought two weeks of clothing

Stacked in their dressers…each day to be swapped

but each night Deborah washed their dirty clothes then neatly stacked them back on top.

Each morning, without thinking, Damien and Taylor would reach into their drawer…

and put on the very same shirt they wore the day before.

So in every photo taken in each and every frame

due to Deborah’s loving cleanliness…Damien and Taylor were dressed the same.

As I put my lucky shirt into the dirty clothes…to be washed for the 100th time again…

I wondered if, perhaps, Damien and Taylor also had lucky shirts back then.

Which makes me wonder when it comes to our apparel..and our sense of fashion too…

If re-wearing clothes that are not dirty and do not smell…it’s something fellas do.

Which brings me to the reason for this poem:

Beginning with these two weeks in NC

and then on our 48 day road trip…let me take a moment to assert

Do not judge me too critically…

if in almost every photo

I’m wearing the same shirt.

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