Thursday, June 6, 2024


 This is a story about happiness that began 60 years ago.

Keep in mind that even a story of happiness has it’s share of sadness, tears and woe.

She was working at a diner…when he saw her and was swept away.

He kept returning to that diner each and every day.

Yes, he continued eating at that diner even though the food was not that great

until he gathered up enough nerve to ask her for a date.


And from that chance meeting in the diner…once he overcame his fears

this couple never parted…and were married 60 years.

Their friends smile when they say with conviction and with pride.

in all the time they’ve known them…they are happiness personified.

They’ve watched them through their joyous times…with friends and family

when love, joy, laughter and smiles appear so easily


They’ve watched when tragedy struck…how their love always had the knack

amidst their tears and sorrow…to gently ease their smiles back.

For 60 years through their ups and downs from that first day they both knew

their love for one another and their faith in god would help to see them through.

It’s a love story for the ages…but as we know life’s not always fair

and 60 years together is all they’d get to share.

For he is now he’s in heaven…they’re finally spending time apart…

and she is left with wonderful memories…and a whole within her heart.


So why is this a story about happiness…you ask…when it’s ending is so sad… 

because it’s about all the joy, happiness and love for 60 years they had…

For 60 years they shared a love that no sorrow could destroy

because this ending would not be so sad…If their life had not been filled with so much joy.

I imagine that is both the gift and the curse of love…of finding someone you adore…

that even after 60 years of happiness…you still yearn for one day more.

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