Saturday, August 13, 2022



Yesterday, on my morning walk, 

(as usual…this happens by chance) 

I wrote a poem about nature…

and her language of romance.

It was a short poem that I finished early…

(I don’t mean to gloat)

so I took the time left walking 

to read the words I wrote.

I wrote about the birds in the sky 

and the creatures that inhabit the seas

I wrote about the flowers and the mountains…

the rivers and the trees.

I originally only mentioned the wind 

and the messages all of the above contain…

but when I reached the part about the wind…

out of nowhere it began to rain.

from the raindrops falling on my head…

I was able to ascertain

nature was trying to tell me something,,,

this was a message from the rain.

So I immediately added rain into my poem…

and, with part of my walk still remaining,

like magic…as quickly as it began…

it immediately stopped raining.

So it seems…even though I cannot speak the language of nature…

(which I consider a great loss)

sometimes nature finds a way…

to get her point across.

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