Sunday, August 7, 2022



I was raised by a Catholic mother and a Jewish father and while that may be difficult to perceive…it helped me understand there is more than one way to believe.

It’s like seeds of each religion were planted in my soul and, once each garden of flowers emerged, I found myself at the heart of where those two gardens of belief converged.

What I found was that, although each religion had at their heart living with kindness, compassion and grace, neither of their religions could I wholeheartedly embrace.

I found myself picking flowers from each of their religious gardens…the flowers that appealed to me…and holding on to two religions…but one philosophy.

However growing up with two religions gave me the appetite to explore what other religious gardens might be growing outside my door.

I read their books…I listened to what their religious leaders had to say but ended up picking individual flowers from their gardens and creating my own bouquet.

Which makes me, I suppose, an Omnist…someone who’s picked what I consider the most beautiful flowers of wisdom from each religious garden…and at the end of every day…tries to arrange them as best I can into my own spiritual bouquet.

Flowers from each religion whose message is the same:

Live a life of kindness, compassion acceptance

of generosity, love and grace

forming a philosophy

a bouquet of religious flowers

I can wholeheartedly embrace.

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