Monday, April 1, 2019


Some people believe happiness is a myth…of that assumption I have my doubts
for every day I am glad to discover so much to be happy about.

When I was young I’d secretly hope the day would never end
when I was outside playing in my neighborhood with friends.

or when seated around our table…talking non-stop…incessantly
eating, in between our words, with friends and family.

In my neighborhood, in my house…at my table…up a tree…
happiness was everywhere I went…it seemed to be following me.

and it continues to follow me today…with family, with friends…when talking,
when eating, playing, singing, dancing,…in silence or when walking.

In a mountain lake wildly swimming with family…I feel just as much elation
as when sitting quietly in a church for my granddaughter’s confirmation…

It is not a myth that happiness surrounds my heart…
allowing it to float carefree
or that each day it is more and more enhanced

by the people surrounding me.

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