Sunday, November 19, 2017


Waking involves simple physics…It doesn’t take long to learn to walk on our own…
But I don’t believe those two legs we’ve been given…were meant for walking alone.

Studies have shown walking is a wonderful exercise…even when walking alone…
It’s good for our heart and our blood pressure…it strengthens our muscles and bones….

But when we walk with people we love…physicality is not always our goal…
because there are benefits that can’t be measured…in our hearts, in our mind …in our souls.

To illustrate this point about love and walking here’s a host of ideas I’ve been thinking of….
Is it any wonder the first steps we ever take…are into the arms of someone we love!

We might have learned to walk on our own…as a toddling little girl or boy…
But would we have had such a sense of accomplishment?
Would we have had such a feeling of joy?

Walking alone in the morning…I feel great watching the sun arrive…
But walking in the morning…sharing that sunrise…I not only feel more healthy…
I feel so totally alive.

Walking alone in the twilight is wonderful…but sharing the stars the planets…the moon
makes my heart feel so wonderfully safe and secure…sometimes I feel I’m going to swoon.

Walking alone I can enjoy the wind and the trees, I can wonder to myself about the flowers the buds are concealing…
But sharing these with someone I love…seems to double the pleasure I’m feeling.

When I walk with people I love…I look over and suddenly I’m enthralled…
Knowing someone is walking beside me…those times I stumble…or flounder…or fall.

And when I can walk no longer on my own…for whatever reason…at the end of the day…
How wonderful to know someone I love is walking next to me…
Who’ll help carry me the rest of the way.

We can walk alone in joy or sorrow…on sidewalks, on streets on the sand….
But it’s only when we walk together….that we’re close…
close enough to walk hand in hand.
Perhaps it boils down to simple physics…
those two legs we were born with…
those two legs that helped us first get up off the floor…
those two legs that are strong enough to get us around on our own…

are twice as strong when we’ve added two more.

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