Wednesday, November 22, 2017


When you begin to think there’s no hope for humanity…
when sadness is filling peoples faces…
Don’t fret: sometimes compassion, kindness and love…
can be found in the most unlikely of places.

An airport is teeming with people of every shape and size…
But filled with love, compassion and kindness??? 
If you look you might be pleasantly surprised.

You see couples and friends…and families…as aircrafts each minute are awaited
but generally most of the people in an airport are totally unrelated.

Sure the couples, friends and families take center stage and certainly can’t be missed
as they smile at one another, as they hold hands, hug and kiss…

They stand in excited anticipation…as their love and affection rise…
and you can see how much they must have missed each other…
for it is written in their eyes..

But there is also a wonder to behold…as tickets are purchased…and bags are checked…
That can be found all over the airport…from people you might not expect….

Meander through its terminal and as you move aimlessly about
you notice people smiling at one another…and strangers helping other strangers out.

One lady struggles with her suitcases…and as they twist and turn and drag
A man steps out of the line he’s been waiting in…to assist her with her bags.

He returns to the end of the line…
and you hear not one moan…not one protest…not one grunt
As all the people step aside…and move him to the front

A family traveling with three children…each one under the age of 5
The parents sing to them, give them food and toys…just trying to survive…

When an older couple sits down next to them…for a moment the parents feel blessed
as this couple plays happily with their children…allowing the parents a moment to rest.

A woman at the restaurant cash register…can’t find her money and before they take her food away… 
Another woman pays her bill…saying “Enjoy your food…and have a nice day!”

What is this phenomenon?…why it’s a love and a kindness so profound
that wherever you look in a airport…you’ll discover they’re around.

I’m not sure why this happens but if I may venture a quick guess
perhaps watching so much happiness in others…rubs off onto the rest.

An airport reminds us there is a universal language…
a language with the ability to enthrall
That language…why it’s love, actually,….and it’s a language understood by all.

It doesn’t matter ones color, ones religion, ones sex…
or wether or not they know each other’s names..
love…when spoken with ones actions…
treats everyone…the same

There is a another phenomenon about love and kindness…
once you notice that it’s there…
you begin to discover it more often…
you begin to see it…everywhere.
And you smile knowing there is hope for humanity…
When you see happiness filling peoples faces…
when you realize compassion, kindness and love…

can be found in the most unlikely of places.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes all you have to do, is smile.
    Here’s a smile to give away.😊
    I love your poetry and read it everyday.
