Wednesday, October 4, 2017


It was just like any other high school…it’s name was Columbine
when 2 students decided to shoot it up…in April of ’99.
They killed 13 innocent people…without a reason or a rhyme…
We wanted to talk about gun control then…
But we were told: It’s not the time.

And so we did nothing.

13 years later, one man walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School
shot and killed 20 children and 6 adults…without a reason or a rhyme…
We wanted to talk about gun control then…
But we were told: It’s not the time.

And so we did nothing.

3 years later a man walked into a prayer service at a church in Charleston
shot and killed 9 people…without a reason or a rhyme.
We wanted to talk about gun control then…
But we were told: It’s not the time.

And so we did nothing.

1 year later at a nightclub in Orlando. 
A man shot and killed 49 people…without a reason or a rhyme.
We wanted to talk about gun control then…
But we were told: It’s not the time.

And so we did nothing.

1 year later from 32 stories up and 4 football fields away
one man, his intentions they are still surmising,
shoots randomly into a concert…and the death toll is still rising.

We don’t know why he did it…there seems to be no reason or no rhyme…
And we want to talk about gun control…
But again we’re told: It’s not the time.

I’ve heard people say, there’s nothing to do…this is the price of freedom…
but I beg to disagree
This is not the price of freedom…it’s the price of anarchy.

I’ve heard people say, guns don’ kill people…people kill people…
And it’s obvious the person shooting is deranged or mentally ill…
That’s true…but we give them easy access to automatic weapons…
automatic weapons that are meant to kill!

If it wasn’t the right time in 1999, 2012, 2015, 2016
or after this latest deadly and senseless shooting spree..
Would someone please tell me…for I’m at a loss,…
When would that right time be?

(I wonder how can we believe any congressman or representative
when they tell us it’s not the right time today…
How can we possibly believe them…

If they’re taking more from the NRA?)

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