Sunday, October 22, 2017


Nature has provided her creatures with a beauty all their own…
but it was here she began to improvise…
for she knew to be truly beautiful…
all creatures must synthesize. 

She gave to each tree its own artistry…
despite how tall or big…or wide…
yet she knew the true beauty of the forest
comes when her trees stand side by side.

She gave each bird a unique and beautiful voice…
despite their differing shape or size…
Yet she knew the true beauty of their voices…
Is heard when they harmonize.

She gave each snowflake a unique beauty…
making sure no two are the same
Yet she knew it is only when they lie together…
that their true beauty is proclaimed.

So doesn’t it stand to reason…
if nature went to all this fuss…
To ensure true beauty is only achieved in concert…
she would do the same for us?

She gave all humans similar features…
she created us this way…
making us all the same…but different…
each with our own unique display…

She meant for us to come together…
like the trees the birds the snow.
She understood only by coming together…
can our true beauty grow.

But in all our years upon this Earth
We humans are divided still….
Which means we have never realized our true beauty…

perhaps we never will.

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