Friday, September 22, 2017


The sky was filled with clouds today they hugged the mountains…hanging low…
As a breeze picked up and the leaves were falling…I stopped to enjoy the show.

As I watched the clouds move across the sky…sometimes independently…sometimes intertwined…
They changed their appearance right before my eyes…
and different stories crossed my mind.

A cat was being chased by a dog…the cat looked quite chagrined… 
A herd of sheep came floating by being shepherded by the wind.

A tall sailing ship formed suddenly…was it filled with pirates on this day…
But, with the wind at its sails, that pirate ship…quickly faded away..

It turned into a castle…complete with turrets…all afloat.
Was that a knight in shining armor…on the drawbridge o’er the moat?

I saw a rabbit, a rather large one I saw a monkey and a mouse
A rhinoceros, and a lion…and an elephant on a house.

I saw the mouth of a monster open and eat a cupcake in one bite…
and a whale right behind them…with a whale of an appetite.

These stories swirled above me…clouds mixed with blue sky and sunbeams…
It was as if I was sitting on the quiet bank…beside a river of day dreams.

As their forms continued changing…like a silent movie…never loud… 

I had to wonder if great storytellers…have drawn inspiration from the clouds…

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