Tuesday, June 6, 2017


There was this creek near my house…
and sometimes I would take…
a fallen leaf…toss it in…and see if it made it to the lake.

It was just a childish game…played when I was all alone…
before the invention of cable TV, IPADS, or cell phones.

Sometimes the leaf would spin around…before it gently sank…
Sometimes it would lodge in a fallen limb…
Sometimes it would strand on the river bank.

But sometimes, when conditions were right…
that fallen leaf I’d take…
would navigate the hazards…and make it to the lake.

I think memories are like those leaves…
for everyone we make…
gets tossed into the river…but not all make it to the lake.

The ones that do…however…
reach a lake kissed by a gentle breeze.
A lake that’s filled from top to bottom
a lake surrounded by the trees…

A lake we’re meant to visit…for it’s a lake we have created
filled with a lifetime of the memories…we have accumulated.

I’ve reached a point in my life now…
where I like to close my eyes,
dip my toes into the lake and see what memories arise…

Yes, I like nothing better, now, than to sit upon the shore
and to be flooded with contentment…
knowing what all those fallen leaves were tossed in for.

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