Saturday, August 26, 2023



I took our son and daughter-in-law’s dog, Juniper, for a walk this morning.

Junie still acts like a puppy even though she’s already 3…

So it’s fair to say, in retrospect…Junie was walking me.

Even though I had the leash…we zig-zagged down the paths she chose…

on a walk usually dominated by my eyes…today, thanks to Junie, I got to use my nose. 

I imagine the two of us made a strange yet wonderful sight..

as we stopped to smell every flower still blooming in the night.

I wonder if people looking out their windows did a double-take…or would stare

as we often stopped…raised up our noses…to smell the jasmine in the air.

Junie stopped every chance she could…at every tree…big or small…

and I have to admit many of the scents she detected…I couldn’t smell at all.

Junie could however and on our walk together…she didn’t miss a one….

by the smile on her face I could see…she was having fun.

I tried to turn her attention skyward…to the stars where dreams and imaginations dwell….

but she was only interested in the things that she could smell.

So…every time we stopped to smell (which at last count was 2302)

I would take a deep breath in through my nose…and try to smell it too.

As I say I wasn’t always successful….but it was fun trying..and once more….

Junie introduced me to a host of morning smells…I had never smelled before.

I believe we are all put on this Earth to be kind and to learn from on another

Why else would the creators make us?

So I was happy on this morning walk…to go wherever Junie’s nose would take us.

I thanked her when we returned home and I promised her

on my walks from now on…whatever path I chose…

I would not only use my eyes…but I would also use my nose.

*a side note:

I walked my normal 2 miles by the time we returned to our front door…

but I’m sure the way Junie zigged and zagged…she walked at least two more.

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