Thursday, June 1, 2023


As I began my walk this morning…a walk every day I repeat

I thought: even in the darkness of the early hour…

It takes no courage for me to walk along the street.

Because I look the way people think I should…

Because I follow their perceived diagram….

It doesn’t take an ounce of courage to be proud of who I am.

My skin is whitish, I am not religious,

I’m not a woman…not L G B or T

each morning I don’t have to summon the strength…

or find the courage to be me.

I’m heterosexual…married…with a loving family…I have always felt as if I’m free

which means wherever I go…and whatever I do…It takes no courage to be me.

For some, however, it does take courage to walk along the street…to feel truly free…

courage to take pride in who they are…courage to be someone other than me.

And why does it take courage to have a different skin color

to dress in drag, to be woman…to be gay instead of straight?

Because all it takes is ignorance and fear…

It takes no courage to ridicule…and hate.

I wish those people who hate so easily…would realize it’s not too late…

to summon the courage they need…to proudly overcome their hate.

The courage to proudly love one another…

to proudly accept everyone they meet….

So no one ever again would need to summon all their courage…

just to walk along the street. 

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