Tuesday, December 20, 2022



In the middle of making her famous peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

as she observed the first batch in the cookie jar displayed

his wife mused, “In all our years together I wonder…

how many of these cookies have I made?”

And that got him to wondering not just about all the cookies she’s prepared

but about how many other moments…like this one…they have shared.

In all their time together…all those hours, days and years

how many smiles have they shared with one another…

how many laughs…how many tears.

How many whispers. looks and touches

How many sounds…how many sights

How many ‘good mornings’ given and returned

How many kisses and ‘good nights.”

How many joys and sorrows have they shared

How many sun rays…and moon beams

How many fears have they divulged…how many hopes, wishes and dreams.

How many times have they hugged or sang or danced together

How many walks across the sand

How many times have they said ‘I love you’

Leaned on each other… held each other’s hand.

“I remember the first time I told you I love you.” He said 

as he grabbed one of the cookies…about to have himself a snack

but I imagine, just like these cookies, as to how many…I long ago lost track.”

“I think of life…our life together, as a continually evolving rhyme

and I think one of the beauties of love…is how we lose track of time.”

“Love is experiencing something together for the first time 

that becomes a treasured part of our past…

and being blessed to experience many more moments together

before that one moment that will be our last.”

“Perhaps loves most precious gift,” he said,

“which often goes unspoken and unseen…

Is to have so much happiness from the first moment to last moment 

that we lose track of all the moments in between.”

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