Sunday, January 23, 2022


I have ben fortunate…privileged…given advantages…others may never see…which means rising up each day has always been easy for me. 

For most of my life I have known that people are exploited…oppressed but have chosen not to see …and when I’ve risen in the morning…I have risen mostly for me.

But my eyes are open now and I’m appalled at what I see…so no longer in the morning shall I ruse up just for me.

I’m not sure, yet, exactly what that entails but I vow as each new day begins I shall rise up for anyone no matter who they are…or the color of your skin.

I shall rise up for anyone deemed imperfect…who may seem a little odd…for anyone who doesn’t look like me…or prays to a different God.

I shall rise up for those who do not think like me…who are not of my same mind…as long as they are accepting and gentle…as long as they are kind.

I shall rise up for the Earth and for her animals…every creature large and small…I shall rise up and try to make this world more compassionate…and a safer place for all.

Since rising up has been easy for me…I shall rise for people of any color, gender, shape or size…anyone who has been oppressed…and encourage them to rise.

Because when I rise up for injustice…and you rise up…and you and you and you…eventually…it is inevitable…the whole world rises too.

So to those, like me, who have had it’s time we open our eyes….

and look at the heights we will be able to reach…when together…we all rise


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