Sunday, May 16, 2021



I wonder if the best way to describe us humans (yes, every other definition you can now expunge) is to simply say, for the record, every human is a sponge.

It makes perfect sense when you think about it…if you take the time to graph the composition of a human…water makes up over half.

Just look at how we learn…how we absorb new information into our brains…absorbed until each time we need it…we squeeze it out again.

Our souls absorb each days experiences…all our successes…all our scars…and each day what has been absorbed…changes who we are.

Yes, what is absorbed by our souls is what makes us who we are…and by our brains is what makes us smart…but, I believe, the ultimate proof that we are sponges can be found without our hearts.

It is through our hearts we absorb another person’s happiness and joy…where we absorb their sadness and their fears…and when we’re overflowing with either one…it is our heart that squeezes out our tears.

From the time when we are a little…a little girl…or little boy…it is through a hug we absorb directly…another person’s joy.

And I imagine there is no one who hasn’t felt…in their heart and soul and brain…when another person’s hug…has absorbed some of their pain.

So here’s to all the human sponges out there…

as we travel together on this orb….

may we never lose our softness 

and our ability to absorb.

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