Saturday, August 17, 2019


The following words are not written to disparages cats or birds or frogs
or any other animal for that matter…it’s just, in my opinion…
there’s something about a dog!

To start with…and this can’t be a coincidence…
I mean don’t you find it odd
that when you read the letters of dog backward it spells out the word god.

It doesn’t matter what faith you are, in what place of worship you sit
or if you don’t believe in a god at all…it’s a little curious…
you have to admit.

Dogs are innocent, they are loyal, they get excited over the littlest treat.
They are just as happy in your lap as they are sitting by your feet.

When they stand looking out a window they do so with style and grace.
Their love shows up from the wag of their tail to the tongue that licks your face.

No creature on this Earth greets you better when you walk into a room.
They have a way of lifting you up out of your darkest gloom.

They know when you are sad…somehow they understand
and they try to make it better by setting their paw upon your hand.

Spend some time with a dog…it won’t take but a little while
you’ll find how fast your troubles fade away…and you cannot help but smile.

And dogs never judge you by your color, sex, religion…
their acceptance is far and wide…
They don’t judge the way we humans judge…
they judge the person who's inside.

The only criticism I have of dogs is how soon their life is through
If I had one wish….I wish that dogs…would live as long as me and you.

Sure cats are self-reliant, 
birds sing beautifully 
and no animal jumps quite like a frog
but when you get right down to it…

there’s just something about a dog.

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