Monday, March 18, 2019


They went on a mini vacation…they camped under the trees
to experience the wonders of nature at the springs of Manatee.

Because they are not cave people no matter where they roam
they brought with them their iPads, their computer and I-Phones.

But technology at the campground was…how shall we say….somewhat loose.
There was no signal for their I-pad or computer, and their phones were of no use.

So they spent their days and nights walking, talking and…listening with their ears
to the symphony of nature…
they ate breakfast with the deers.

They kayaked on the river and as they lazily paddled around
there were moments when 
even if they tried 
they could not hear a sound.

They spent their nights by the campfire and gazing at the stars
thinking about their life together and how lucky they both are…

And though they could not use their cel phones…
their computer 
or I-Pad
they both agreed it was one of the best vacations 

either ever had.

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