Friday, March 9, 2018


She came from a family of wishers…wishers…every one.
They’d wish every chance they had…on anything under the sun.

She remembers the first one she ever made.
She remembers a big cake on a dish.
There were candles burning when her mom and mad said, “Honey, make a wish!”

She remembers walking with her parents in distances short and far
when they would stop look up at the sky…and make a wish upon a star.

They would make wishes as they blew on dandelions 
and their seeds floated up to the sky.
They would make a wish in on open meadow
and whisper that dream to a butterfly.

They would make wishes on a ray of sunlight
or on the glow of the smallest moonbeam
They would wish on flower petals before sending them downstream.

“Why do we make so many wishes?” She once asked,
one day under a sky so blue.
“Because the more wishes and dreams we make.” her parents said.
“Some of them are bound to come true”.

There are so many wonders in our world…they taught her
Births and flowers, stars and trees
animals, rainbows, clouds floating by
a simple summer breeze.

We know these things are real…we see the clouds
we feel the breezes blow
But at the same time when it comes to life
there is much we do not know.

We do not know why there are births, 
Why there are flowers, stars and trees.
Why there are so many different animals.
Why rainbows, clouds and the breeze?

The things we know and don’t know
Stand at two opposite extremes…..
And somewhere in between them, they’d say…

There’s room for our wishes, our hopes and our dreams.

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