Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Today is Honesty Day where telling the truth is the only rule
It began in the early ’90’s as the antithesis to April Fools.

And if we’re being totally honest...if we really take a look
The man who created this day was just trying to sell a book.

But in a world where we are shocked when people are honest and have come to expect deceit
Today’s a good day in the scheme of things, to give honesty a tweet!

Certainly not total honesty...I’m not advocating that
Take for instance the dreaded question...Do these jeans make my butt look fat?

To answer that question honestly you’d have to be a lunatic
No, I’m talking about honesty in other aspects of life...take for instance...politics.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if instead of giving us the usual political spiel
The politicians of today told us exactly how they feel?

Politicians need to remember their math..when it’s dishonesty you apply
Even when you tell a half’re still telling one whole lie.

I find it very confusing, I wish someone could tell me...forsooth
How did we get to the point in our lives when the lies became the truth?

I do have an answer I’d like to propose...perhaps it is now the only way
To ensure politicians will be honest, not just today but every day.

In harkening back to my childhood...wouldn’t it be great if we could require
When a politician is telling a lie...his or her pants really would catch on fire.

Think about the upside for when all is said and done

It would make honesty the best policy again...and politics a lot more fun.

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