Monday, September 23, 2013


I played a little in high school football a sport I have nothing but praise
At least the way it was played in high school, you know...back in the good old days.

On or off the football field our coach had certain behaviors he’d expect
His main teaching no matter how we did was to treat everyone with respect.

If you knock them down you help them up, if they score, “Great Job” is what you say
Because we learned in football as in life there is a gracious way to play.

I never played past high school (I wasn’t the superstar I thought I would be)
But I still love watching the game today though I’m often appalled at what I see.

Yes, the game is still worth watching that’s a fact I cannot overstate
I do have a problem however with the ways some players celebrate.

It appears in the years since I played football some gamesmanship has passed away
And some of the players have forgotten there’s a respectful way to play.

Players mock and they ridicule and they try to humiliate and shame
It seems to me along the way they’ve forgotten it’s just a game. 

If a player makes a tackle it’s not enough that we applaud
He bursts out in the open and acts like he’s a God.

If another scores a touchdown he begins to pound his chest
He runs and jumps and flails and shouts just like a man possessed.

Since when does doing what’s expected cause you to flex, and shake and scream
You’d think they succeeded by themselves instead of as a team.

Certainly there’s a place for celebration in the game of football today
But if my high school coach was watching I know exactly what he’d say.

He’d say, “Players please remember that no matter what ensues
You must show as much dignity when you win as you show those times you lose.”

Football has a grace and beauty that will oftentimes amaze
But when it comes to sportsmanship and honor, I long for the good old days.

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